
Monday, 12 September 2011

 assignment 6: Modern Vision

I m disagree with Benjamin argues, that he said "To an ever greater degree the work of art reproduced becomes the work of art designed for reproducibility. From a photographic negative, for example, one can make any number of prints; to ask for the authentic print makes no sense."

Modern reproduce have different with traditions reproducibility. traditional Replication is to shorten the distance between people and art to catch the beauty, would give up its authenticity in replication. No matter how realistic replication was always to lose the original Aura. but modern reproduce Copy has become the art of making an inevitable part of the production process. Artists doing replication for disseminate, promote and profit。Aura has deteriorate,not disappeared here。

Through video, audio tapes, CD, VCD, Hollywood movies, popular music became acceptable art to all public, people do not need to focus and ceremonies, easily get entertainment. Today, computer network technology to make public art into consumer culture. There is no mainstream culture. The other side of the traditional arts have been pushed to the edge of the state. In part, that Benjamin's discourse, but also exposed the insufficient it.Because the nature of Internet culture is still not precisely defined, as if some of the theoretical basis of network culture, the theory may have lost the intensity and focus.

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